Adapt-IT believes that everybody should have the right to use IT in the most comfortable and effective fashion. We will work alongside you to create the ideal solutions to allow you that IT experience.
The steps are as follows:
Step 1 – Call or email us with your query, providing as much detail as possible.
Step 2 – We will respond introducing ourselves and discuss initial ideas based on the information provided. We may request further details to allow us to better provide you with relevant advice and guidance. We may recommend a user assessment which would be done F2F or in some cases remotely.
Step 3 – Following the initial consultation, we will research and report the best solutions for the circumstances specified and give supporting information about our suggestions.
Step 4 – We will send a quote and overview. If you have any queries or concerns, we will work with you to resolve them.
Step 5 – On acceptance of the quote, we will order your items.
Step 6 – We set up and configure accordingly for plug and play use. We also supply an instruction booklet to help you use your computer solution.
For example:
We had a request from a carer who’s relative is living in a Care Home. The person concerned has Cerebral Palsy and was struggling to use their computer. After a detailed consultation, Adapt-IT supplied a new computer with fully installed software, including Microsoft Office, and TextHelp Read&Write, to use with an N-Abler Joystick. Finally, the computer was provided with managed Avast Anti-Virus to keep the system continually safe and secure.
The computer came with full easy to follow step by step instructions to ensure a truly easy plug and play experience. Along with a full health check, full accessibility setup and configuration, installing the software ready for use, we also customised the desktop with the setup of social media accounts and frequently used internet links to truly personalise the system.