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IASME Cyber Assurance Level 1


£320.00£600.00 excl VAT

Cyber Essentials represents the UK Government’s minimum baseline standard for cyber security. Adapt-IT are focused on supporting care related organisation to prepare and apply for Cyber Essentials certification.


Product Description

Adapt-IT are dedicated to supporting the Health and Care Industry to further improve its Cyber maturity.

Adapt-IT can support any business to further build on their baseline cyber security approach through the IASME Cyber Assurance standard.  This standard is a comprehensive, flexible, and affordable cyber security standard. It provides assurance that an organisation has put into place a range of important cyber security, privacy, and data protection measures.

Becoming certified allows small and medium-sized enterprises in a supply chain to demonstrate their level of cyber security for a realistic cost and indicates that they are taking good steps to properly protect their customers’ information.

Important prerequisites to certification

Cyber security is a continuous journey of growth and education. IASME Cyber Assurance is not the beginning of that journey, nor is it the end. Before proceeding at this level, you will first need to demonstrate that your organisation has got the basics in place. The prerequisite for IASME Cyber Assurance certification is an up to date Cyber Essentials certification or IASME Cyber Baseline for organisations outside of the UK.

IASME Cyber Assurance Level 1 is priced depending on the size of your business

  • Micro 0-9 employees
  • Small 10 – 49 employees
  • Medium 50 – 249
  • Large 250+ employees

Additional information

company size

Micro 0-9, Small 10-49, Medium 50 -249, large 250+

IASME Cyber Assurance Level 1


£320.00£600.00 excl VAT

Cyber Essentials represents the UK Government’s minimum baseline standard for cyber security. Adapt-IT are focused on supporting care related organisation to prepare and apply for Cyber Essentials certification.
