For many people with disabilities, computers can be the key to enhancing the quality of their lives by enabling them to communicate in print and via email, type letters, improve their coordination skills or just have fun. Computers are also crucial for most workplaces and for many students in school/college/university.
Adapt-IT provides training in all the main assistive software products. Once you have purchased a software package, receiving training will help ensure you, as a user, can get the maximum benefit.
Our trainers have extensive experience, with our head trainer, Neil Sleight, having over 20 years’ experience on training with assistive software.
We provide both face-to-face training and virtual training to cater to everybody’s learning style or needs. Our trainers will come to your home or centre and will guide students of all abilities with understanding and patience to drive confidence and instil knowledge.
If you require Face-to-Face training, please contact us to sort out a time and date that suits you!
Packages can include:
- Software setup and initial configuration
- Software orientation for users and managers
- Basic usage and core functionality
- Enhanced user functions and how to get the best out of your software
- User Workflow training tailored to the users’ ways of working
- Refresher courses or upgrade functionality
For all your assistive software needs please visit our software centre here.
Have a requirement for larger volumes of software licenses or training? Please contact our friendly team who will be able to understand your full requirement and provide the appropriate pricing.
For further information and guidance on assistive technology go to
We offer a full training service for all abilities in the following products:
Visual Impairment Software
- Dolphin Supernova
- Magnifier
- Magnifier and Speech
- Magnifier and Screen Reader
- Dolphin GuideConnect
- Claro Software (Including ClaroRead and ClaroView)

Dyslexia Aids
- Claro Software (Including ClaroRead and ClaroView)
- Dolphin Supernova
- Texthelp Read&Write
- Inspiration 10

Voice Recognition Software
- Nuance Dragon
- Home
- Professional