- What devices does Voiceitt work on?
- Voiceitt works on all devices and platforms as it is a browser-based web app.
- Does Voiceitt need internet?
- Yes, you do need internet connection to access Voiceitt. Voiceitt is a browser-based web app that you access through your chosen web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc.).
- Does it keep learning?
- Voiceitt does keep learning after the training has been completed as you continue to use it. This means that Voiceitt learns how you speak conversationally and across different times in your day. Our speech is quite different when reading and speaking.
- Can I use 1 account with multiple people?
- Each user needs their own account. This is because the account is linked to an individual’s voice model that enable Voiceitt to work with that individual user.
- Is there an age restriction?
- There is no age restriction for Voiceitt, however we do require a consent form to be filled in for users under the age of 16. If you, your child or your patient etc is under 16 and wanting to use Voiceitt, please contact voiceitt@adapt-it.co.uk for a consent form.
- What if my speech changes?
- Voiceitt continually learns your voice and speech pattern and will pick up on any speech changes. If you find that there is a dip in the recognition, it may help to record 50-100 new training phrases.
- Can you change the voice on Voiceitt?
- Yes, you can change the voice. To do so, go to the Settings-> General > Output Voice — then you can choose output voices from there. Output voices available depends on the browser and device.
- Does Voiceitt work with bluetooth speakers?
- Using bluetooth for the web is not supported in any browsers, which means Voiceitt sounds will not play out of a bluetooth speaker. If you wish to play Voiceitt out of a speaker, it must be a wired speaker plugged into the device you are using Voiceitt on.
- How does Voiceitt integrate with Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Google Chrome?
- For Microsoft Teams, see here – https://www.voiceitt.com/teams. Please note, you must have a paid version of Teams for this integration to work.
- For Zoom, see here – https://www.voiceitt.com/voiceitt-for-zoom
- For Google Chrome, see here – https://www.voiceitt.com/chrome
- Does Voiceitt work with BiPAP machines etc. in the background?
- Voiceitt is likely to work with BiPAP machines etc. however, if needed, we can ask the SLTs behind Voiceitt to listen to a couple of the training phrases to confirm whether the recordings are being disturbed or not.
- I’m having issues with the microphone, what can I do?
- Firstly, check your iPhone settings for the microphone issue. Go to your phone settings and scroll down to your web browser. Click on your web browser and scroll down to near the bottom where you will see Camera and below that Microphone. Click on Microphone. Within here you will have three options. Ask, Deny and Allow. Click on allow and ensure there is a tick to the right of it. You can now go out of Settings and this should now remove the issue of you having to re allow the microphone access.
If you have a question that is not mentioned above, visit www.adapt-it.co.uk/voiceitt or contact voiceitt@adapt-it.co.uk.