Parents and Carers who support people with disabilities meet barriers of all types. New technology is constantly helping to lower many of these barriers. Computer hardware and software tools, known as adaptive or assistive technologies, can provide functional alternatives to standard operations. Providing tailored swolutions to your work or home needs.
However for carers and parents of a child or adult with a disability deciding how you go about choosing the best assistive technology for them?
Adapt-IT have been working with people caring for individuals with disabilities for over 20 years and pride ourselves in being able to understand your requirements, no matter how complex they are.
You may just need pointing in the right direction or perhaps you don’t know where to start. Whatever your starting point Adapt-IT can help. We are experts at providing IT and computer solutions for people with disabilities working within a limited budget!
If your child or charge would like to start using a computer and has some physical or learning challenges we have over 500 products specifically for people with disabilities. We can advise on and provide everything from large button keyboards to eyegaze communication systems.
So whether you need computer products for mobility problems (e.g. Cerebral Palsy, Parkinsons Disease, Multiple Sclerosis), visual impairment (from Macular Degeneration to blindness), learning difficulties or repetitive strain injury we would be delighted to help.
We also supply and support complete computer systems using well known branded computers with 3 years warranty.